For a while I’ve been entertaining the concept of all the science songs being put into a dedicated stage show. This is now becoming a reality. Expect the show to hit the stage in the second half of this year, but to read more about it visit the new website and sign up on the…
From the ‘Geek Like Me’ EP on Spotify and Bandcamp websites, amongst other places. I was going to write an article about the science and personnel issues behind this but The Guardian have beaten me to it and done a much better job. In particular, the story of Korosov, the lead engineer, is impressive and…
Well another Geek Pop Festival is upon us bringing a mixture of science, music and comedy. You’ll find Karmadillo contributions on The Tesla Stage at the Festival website. In addition we are proud to have contributed a track to the Geek Pop ‘Geek Like Me‘ EP. The track is available from the Bandcamp website. 1/3…
As part of Geek Pop 2011 there is a ‘Geek Like Me’ mini album being launched. I am glad to be part of this with the Karmadillo track ‘Radio Gagarin’ – celebrating 50 years since the first manned space flight. They have put a preview of the album up online on Bandcamp – go listen!…
Karmadillo are pleased to announce that the song entry for the Geekpop Summer Song Writing Challenge has won the Most Contrived Rhyme Prize! Why not peruse the lyrics of our biographical song on Gregor Mendel and figure out which couplet was the winner. Or listen to the geekpop podcast and hear it for yourself! [audio:Mendel-GeekPopAcoustic.mp3|titles=Mendel…
The Babble I’d sat down a few days ago to think of a science song for the Geekpop Science competition due tomorrow. I couldn’t come up with anything musical, though I vaguely had the idea of writing something about Gregor Mendel, who pioneered the work in genetics while a monk with loads of time on…
Arabidopsis A song about Arabidopsis Thaliana A Musicians favourite plant’s supposed to be marijuana But I prefer A dot thaliana Unravelling DNA and all the drama that entails A model organism standing alone With your 5 delectable chromosomes Your genes provide a knockout selection That I just wanna grow The papers you’ve provided have been…
So, its been a busy couple of weeks finishing off writing some sciency based songs for a virtual online festival we are playing at called Geek Pop. To top it off we’ve entered the RPM Challenge which last did two years ago, and so will have 5 science songs up for GeekPop with another five…