I had the operation last week to reconstruct my cruciate ligament. Its a pretty clever procedure that people have come up with and I’m detailing it on my Professor Karmadillo blog. I have to say a huge thanks to Mr Norrish the consultant, Anne-Maria my physiotherapist, the anaesthetist and everyone in the operating theatre and in the ward where I stayed overnight who looked after me.
Staying overnight in the Trauma ward was something different. I was probably the least injured person in there. Since I did my knee in last year I’ve not felt sorry for myself (though frustrated at times, yes) – being there was ample reminder to not change that outlook on things.
I had a bed with a button that supplied morphine and the entertainment system allowed internet access so I could Facebook away to my hearts content.
At 7pm it seems at least half the ward turned on to the TV to allow them to watch the cricket highlights as well – although we could refresh the score on the web page streaming Test Match Special was denied.

Recuperation means resting with a short walk around the house every hour and exercises. It does mean the Green Man and the appearance at The Shed in Leicester have been cancelled which I’m a bit 🙁 about. At least its got done, though it’s a long recovery period.
It has meant I’ve been able to sit down and make progress on Professor Karmadillo project items though. I will be able to make the initial performances but will be taking it easy otherwise.
And here’s a reminder of what I want to get back to doing!