So we came up to Scotland with a batch of fresh off the presses teatowels so that we could start bringing out superior quality dish drying linen to the masses. The gig itself wasn’t the best attended – thanks to the combination of U2 playing round the corner in Hampden Park and a big Celtic vs Arsenal football game happening that night also.
However amongst that small number was one person who did seriously approach me asking to see the teatowel after the gig. I was quite suprised that this inebriated guy actually wanted one. And he liked it, and bought it and I hope this evening when he does his washing up he’ll fall in love with the drying the dishes experience. One other person when I brought them out in response to the punters request said he thought I was joking. Unfortunately before I could get a photo of the original purchaser he disappeared into the night with a song in his step no doubt.
My heart goes out to all the Celtic and U2 fans for whom drying the dishes will remain a vacuous experience.
Anyway they’ll be the first items under the merchandise section when that goes online in a couple of weeks, but for now ….drum roll…. here is the first online picture of the hotly anticipated teatowel. Dry your dishes with that, baby!